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Avoiding the rain

by Robyn

We're trying to decide whether to visit the Gold coast in late January or late April. I'd prefer to go in April because I'm worried about January being too hot, but since most of the things we want to do are outdoors, I'm worried about getting rained out.

April is often very rainy in Sydney, is this the case for the gold coast?


Historically, the drier months are our winter months, and neither January or April fit that category!

Late January is definitely hot and humid! And there can be summer storms although these are mostly during the late afternoon.

April has a lower historical average of rainy days and as you move into May it is even lower.

This is historical information and of course is only an indication, no one foretell exactly what will occur in any given month! It seems to be getting even harder to determine that.

The advantage of late April over late January, in my opinion, is that you will be out of peak school holiday period, unless your trip coincides with the Easter holiday period.

The advantage of being outside school holiday periods is that usually there are some great accommodation prices and there are generally less people around at all the attractions.

From Christmas through to mid-February the Gold Coast is quite busy.

Obviously, I can't promise that it won't rain in April but statistically it is less likely in April than January! But who knows, with the strange weather patterns that seem to be changing! I am sure you are experiencing some strange weather patterns in Sydney too, so you will have to take your chance.

Don't despair, there is some good news! If it does rain there is still plenty to do on the Gold Coast! Check out my rainy day activities guide to the Gold Coast.

If it rains there are many things you can do and being prepared for a little rain could you see you taking opportunities to enjoy some of the attractions with far fewer crowds. Packing a raincoat, umbrella and some closed in shoes will go a long way to enabling you to enjoy activities rain or shine.

I hope that goes some way to answering your question. Feel free to use the comments to ask any further questions.


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Jul 25, 2008
Which is the dryest month on the Gold Coast?
by: Steven

Love the rainy day activities guide. Looks helpful.

I am not looking at coming in either Jan or Apr. When is the dryest month on the Gold Coast? Or should I ask when is it less likely to rain?



The driest months in the Gold Coast are officially June, July and August.

As I mentioned there are no guarantees with weather! A couple of years ago we had floods in June! That is why it is best to be prepared for rain.

In my experience it doesn't tend to rain and rain for days on end here, unlike the UK (where I am originally from). That has happened occasionally, but it does not seem to be the norm.

Technically, at the moment (July 2008) the east coast of Australia is experiencing a La Nina event which means we are receiving more rain than during an El Nino event. I am not sure how long this cycle will be in place - and I am not going to wish away the precious water that we all need.

There certainly are still plenty of things to do when there is wet weather, and during the summer rain it is still very warm so less bothersome.

Let me know if you want to know anything else and thanks for the question.

Annie from

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